Monday, July 23, 2007

A guru pooped on my parade - Advantage Flash

I had posted some questions about combo boxes on a few different forums last week. I finally got a response after about 60+ views. Unfortunately, it was the answer that I both suspected and feared. Here is the scenario.

I have a drop box with three labels. "red","green", and "blue." I want a hex value to correspond to these color labels. I cannot do this without leaving blend and going into Visual Studio and adding some code.

The code that it requires does not look intimidating or especially difficult, but it does seem like a bit of a hassle. I am a designer not a developer and have zero experience with the visual studio tool.

In my opinion this kind of lack of functionality coupled with the inability to create shape tweens are MAJOR deficiencies in Blend and Silverlight in general. There are designers who are creating extremely robust and highly dynamic applications in Flash without the need to toggle between multiple programs.

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